Modern approaches to preventing influence of environmental factors on the functional state of the urinary system of female military personnel when they perform tasks during military conflict (Literature review)

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S.Yu. Frolova, D.V. Churkin


M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, 16 Il’icha Av., Donetsk, Donetsk People’s Republic, 283003, Russian Federation


The modern stage in construction of the Armed Forces based on the experience of their use in military conflicts of varying intensity, including Special Military Operation, entails an increasing proportion of women involved in military service. This puts forward additional requirements for protection of their health. Due to its structural and functional peculiarities, the female urinary system is more vulnerable to environmental exposures of hygienic nature, which calls for developing a set of preventive measures based on monitoring over risk factors of urological pathology.

Scientific relevance of the issue under consideration is reflected in modern specialized literature, while the uniqueness associated with long-term performance of official and combat tasks by women in the zone of Special Military Operation and the previous military conflict is not described in the literature. At the same time, the proposed preventive measures are strongly linked to the climatic characteristics typical for this theater of military operations and practically do not consider peculiarities of military labor, food supply as well as availability of drinking and household water. In modern literature, practically no attention is paid to placement conditions provided for female military personnel in a war zone as well as to peculiarities of providing urological care within the system for medical and evacuation support of military operations. This determines the practical value of further research in this direction. Influence of urological pathology in female military personnel on their reproductive health is also unexplored, which determines the additional importance of the ongoing research.

The review presents approaches to preventing urological diseases in female military personnel in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; it also identifies promising areas that can be used in developing a system for monitoring over risks of urological pathology in female military personnel performing tasks during Special Military Operation.

military personnel, women, environmental factors, urinary system, Special Military Operation, functional state, military labor, medical support
Frolova S.Yu., Churkin D.V. Modern approaches to preventing influence of environmental factors on the functional state of the urinary system of female military personnel when they perform tasks during military conflict (literature review). Health Risk Analysis, 2024, no. 4, pp. 203–210. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2024.4.17.eng
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