Assessment of the health risk for people residing on the territory influenced by the vostochny cosmodrome under multi-factor and multi-environment exposure to chemicals


A.D. Polyakov1,2, M.Yu. Kombarova1,2, A.S. Radilov1, L.A. Alikbaeva2, I.S. Iakubova2, A.V. Suvorova2, O.G. Khurtsilava2


1Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology, Kapitolovo Art., bldg 93, Kuzmolovsky Settl., Vsevolozhsky District, Leningrad Region, 188663, Russian Federation
2North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 41 Kirochnaya St., Saint Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation


Rocket and space activities occupy an important place among modern sources of impact on the environment. Its results can manifest themselves in an area where a cosmodrome is located, adjacent territories, in areas where separated parts of a launch vehicle fall. This impact has certain specific features that create population health risks.

Health risks for population of Tsiolkovsky settlement were assessed upon exposure to chemicals that pollute the environment in accordance with the methodical approaches stipulated in the valid Guide (R Initial data were represented by results of environmental surveillance accomplished within social-hygienic monitoring and in field conditions as well as by data collected for a project aimed at substantiating a sanitary protection zone for the Vostochny Cosmodrome launch sites.

Average annual concentrations and their 95 % confidence intervals, which were established based on average daily concentrations, were used to calculate chronic chemical exposures. The 95 % percentile of maximum single concentrations was employed to calculate acute exposures.

Ambient air was established to make the greatest contribution (88.99 %) into non-carcinogenic health risks for people residing in Tsiolkovsky settlement. Particulate matter made the greatest contribution (42.4 %) to the risk of chronic non-carcinogenic effects.

Alerting chronic non-carcinogenic risks of respiratory diseases (up to 5.9 HI) and the blood system (up to 4.1 HI) were established under combined inhalation chemical exposures. Major contributions to non-carcinogenic risks are made by particulate matter (up to 42.4 %), lead (up to 25.9 %), nitrogen oxide (up to 20.2 %), nitrogen dioxide and carbon oxide (23.1 % each).

rocket and space activities, Vostochny cosmodrome, Tsiolkovsky settlement, rocket fuel, risk assessment, environmental factors, chemical pollutants, health problems, carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk
Polyakov A.D., Kombarova M.Yu., Radilov A.S., Alikbaeva L.A., Iakubova I.S., Suvorova A.V., Khurtsilava O.G. Assess-ment of the health risk for people residing on the territory influenced by the Vostochny cosmodrome under multi-factor and multi-environment exposure to chemicals. Health Risk Analysis, 2024, no. 2, pp. 63–73. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2024.2.06.eng
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