Regional aspects in assessment of performance and effectiveness of the risk-based model for control and surveillance activities in provision of sanitary-epidemiological wellbeing of the population


E.V. Kovalev1,2, М.Ya. Zanina1,2, А.V. Motskus2, S.А. Musienko2, М.S. Mashdieva2


1Federal Service for Surveillance over Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Rostov Regional Office, 17 18th Liniya St., Rostov-on-Don, 344019, Russian Federation
2Rostov State Medical University, 29 Nakhichevanskii Av., Rostov-on-Don, 344022, Russian Federation


This research is relevant since it is important to assess performance and effectiveness of activities performed by Rospotrebnadzor bodies and organizations in RF regions.

The aim of this study was to assess performance and effectiveness of control and surveillance activities performed by a territorial office of Rospotrebnadzor given the current reduction in scheduled inspections.

Control and surveillance activities performed by the Rospotrebnadzor Rostov Regional Office in 2023 were selected as the research object. They were aimed at improving the quality of the environment for the region population and indirectly at reducing population incidence and mortality associated with exposures to harmful risk factors represented by ambient air, water, and soil pollution etc.

The study was accomplished relying on methodical instruments developed by the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies and approved by the RF Chief Sanitary Inspector. The basic methodology establishes rules for calculating economic losses associated with population mortality and incidence (children, working age population and population older than working age) caused by environmental exposures. Calculations were based on the results of instrumental measurements of the environment quality in cities in the Rostov region and the results of scheduled and off-schedule control activities performed by the Rospotrebnadzor Rostov Regional Office in 2023.

It was established that control and surveillance activities performed by the Service managed to prevent approximately 1760 deaths and more than 152.4 thousand diseases, which could actually occur should the Service fail to perform its regulatory actions. The total prevented economic losses equaled approximately 2.1 billion rubles in 2023. Economic effectiveness was established relying on prevented losses of the gross regional product and equaled 7.25 rubles per 1 spent ruble in 2023 prices.

There are several promising trends in the scientific and methodical support provided by practical activities performed by Rospotrebnadzor. They include development and implementation of methodical approaches to assessing effectiveness of prevention activities; searching for new approaches to assessing performance and effectiveness of other activities accomplished by the Service (licensing, registration of new and hazardous chemicals and products, etc.).

Rospotrebnadzor, control and surveillance activities, environment, mortality, incidence, economic losses, performance, effectiveness
Kovalev E.V., Zanina М.Ya., Motskus А.V., Musienko S.А., Mashdieva М.S. Regional aspects in assessment of performance and effectiveness of the risk-based model for control and surveillance activities in provision of sanitary-epidemiological wellbeing of the population. Health Risk Analysis, 2024, no. 2, pp. 32–43. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2024.2.03.eng
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