Healthy lifestyle as a way to manage health risks: Components and factors. Analytical review

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Ji Kang, Rosalam Che Me, Khairul Manami Kamarudin, Ruhaizin Sulaiman


University Putra Malaysia, Selangor, 43400, Malaysia


Healthy lifestyle promotion is a strategic task within health protection and healthcare worldwide. A prevailing contribution made by non-communicable diseases into premature death and a decrease in life expectancy makes it necessary to search for effective prevention and technologies able to persuade people to adhere to health protection behavior.

The review concentrates on approaches to defining, structuring and empirical study of persuasive design of healthy lifestyle. Substantiation is provided for including physical, mental and social health protection into healthy lifestyle. The review also discusses a possibility to use the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP II) scale to analyze health behavior, including Asian countries. Structural components of healthy lifestyle are identified on the basis of the HPLP II scale.

Additionally, several mainstream health behavior theories and models have been selected and analyzed, which explain people’s health behavior. They provide a theoretical basis for exploring influential factors of a healthy lifestyle. Contributions made by sociodemographic and cognitive factors have also been outlines and substantiation has been provided for the necessity to consider such factors as self-efficacy and subjective health perception when developing individual prevention.
This research holds valuable reference and guiding significance for the design and implementation of strategies aimed at influencing people's healthy lifestyles in related fields.

healthy lifestyle, health behavior, behavioral theories, healthy lifestyle factors, Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile, self-efficacy, preventive programs
Ji Kang, Rosalam Che Me, Khairul Manami Kamarudin, Ruhaizin Sulaiman. Healthy lifestyle as a way to manage health risks: components and factors. Analytical review. Health Risk Analysis, 2023, no. 4, pp. 158–171. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2023.4.15.eng
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