Electronic digital devices and a risk of functional disorders of the visual analyzer in students of different age

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E.A. Riazanova1, D.N. Lir1,2, D.Sh. Zagidullina1


1Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Wagner, 26 Petropavlovskaya St., Perm, 614000, Russian Federation
2Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, 82 Monastyrskaya St., Perm, 614045, Russian Federation


The aim of our study was to perform hygienic assessment of use of electronic digital devices and its relationship with likely disorders of the visual analyzer in students of different age.

Our research object is represented by students of different age (5th grade (n = 55), 11th grade (n = 67) and the 6th year of HEI (n = 102)). This study focused on examining a relationship between disorders of the visual analyzer and use of electronic digital devices (EDDs) by students of different ages (5th and 1th grades in school, 6th year in HEI). We conducted social research by using a group indirect survey that relied on a specifically designed questionnaire consisting of 13 questions. Answers were collected by using Google Forms online platform.

Students were established to use a smartphone (99.6 % of the respondents) and / or laptop (83 %) in their everyday activities. We analyzed duration of an activity involving use of various devices and established that 95 % of the respondents did not adhere to the existing hygienic standards when using EDDs and spent more than 4 hours a day on using them. The regression analysis revealed an association between myopia development and simultaneous use of various EDDs (R2 = 0.68; р < 0.0001). A contribution made to developing eyesight disorders by working with a laptop equaled 62 % whereas contributions made by watching TV and use of smart-watch equaled 19 % and 10 % respectively. Our assessment of a relative risk established that use of a laptop (PC) for more than 4 hours a day increased likelihood of myopia by 8.6 times (RR = 8.6; 95 % CI = 1.4–54.9, р < 0.05). Development of other functional disorders in school students was primarily associated with watching TV (85–89 %).

Therefore, our study findings provide more precise data on the established relationship between improper EDDs use and disorders of the visual analyzer in students of different age. They provide solid grounds for implementation of relevant prevention activities.

HEI students, school students, myopia, computer vision syndrome, electronic digital devices, electronic learning devices, relative risk
Riazanova E.A., Lir D.N., Zagidullina D.Sh. Electronic digital devices and a risk of functional disorders of the visual ana-lyzer in students of different age. Health Risk Analysis, 2023, no. 3, pp. 71–78. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2023.3.08.eng
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