Fuel and energy enterprises as objects of risk-oriented sanitary-epidemiologic surveillance

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А.М. Andrishunas, S.V. Kleyn


Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, 82 Monastyrskaya Str., Perm, 614045, Russian Federation


The present research aims to provide analytical support for the risk-oriented model of sanitary-epidemiologic control over fuel and energy enterprises. The research task were to reveal the most common violations of sanitary-epidemiologic requirements by fuel and energy enterprises; to determine priority environmental indicators that should be included into a program of laboratory support for control and surveillance activities; to estimate actual impacts exerted by fuel and energy enterprises.

We established that in 2020 there were totally more than 6 thousand economic entities that performed their activity in the sphere of “Electric energy, gas and steam supply; air conditioning”. Since fuel and energy enterprises tend to be located close to residential areas, violations in the sphere of ambient air protection (Clause 20) involve negative influence on a considerable number of people. In 2020 the greatest number of revealed violation regarding requirements to ambient air quality was registered for heat and power engineering enterprises in the Far East Federal District (FEFD), Siberian FD (SFD), Central FD (CFD), and Ural FD (UFD) and varied from 10.6 to 42.9 %. Average potential health risk (Rlav) per one economic entity amounted to 5.44∙10-4 for heat and power engineering. A share of economic entities dealing with this economic activity and assigned into extremely high and high (the 1st and 2nd accordingly) risk categories as per potential health risk amounts to 21.7 %. A scale of exposure (Mli) for economic entities operating in heat and power engineering can reach 930 thousand people. The greatest share of economic entities belonging to the 1st and 2nd risk categories as per potential health risk is registered in the SFD, Volga FD, CFD, UFD, and FEFD and amounts to 78.5 %.

The greatest average potential health risk per one economic entity (Rlav) in the sphere of “Electric energy, gas and steam supply; air conditioning” was registered in the Siberian Federal District and amounted to 9.88∙10-4. The greatest numbers of economic entities operating in the sphere of “Electric energy, gas and steam supply; air conditioning” that belonged to the 1st and 2nd risk categories as per potential health risk are located in the Krasnoyarsk region (37.9 %), Kemerovo region (32.6 %), Tomsk and Omsk regions (29.7 % each).

heat and power engineering enterprises, emissions, ambient air quality, potential health risk, a scale of exposure, violation of legislation
Andrishunas А.М., Kleyn S.V. Fuel and energy enterprises as objects of risk-oriented sanitary-epidemiologic surveillance. Health Risk Analysis, 2021, no. 4, pp. 65–73. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2021.4.07.eng
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