Analyzing risks of occupational injuries in basic industries

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V.A. Pankov, M.V. Kuleshova


East-Siberian Institute of Medical and Ecological Research, 3 12a mikrorayon, Angarsk, 665827, Russian Federation


Our research aim was to analyze occupational injuries in basic industries in Irkutsk region.

Materials and methods. Occupational injuries (OI) in basic industries were analyzed using data from statistical reports issued in 2010–2019. To analyze OI in dynamics, we calculated relative values of OI and applied linear regression and Shewhart charts. Normalized intensity indicators method was used to reveal different probability of injuries in various industries as well as to predict OI risks.

Results. Analysis of OI in dynamics indicates that there is a stable descending trend in a number of injuries. However, in spite of this apparent descending trend, OI values are stably by 1.3–3.0 times higher in some industries than on average in the region. The highest frequency coefficient (FC) for occupational injuries was detected in wood processing where it was equal to 5.35 [2.90–7.71] per 1,000 workers; the indicator varied within 1.00–2.93 per 1,000 workers in other industries. Shewhart chart for FC indicates that systems of occupational health and safety management are not efficient enough in all the analyzed industries since FC exceeds the upper limit in some years. We established that severity of occupational injuries tended to grow in wood processing (Cs = +3.23; 5.33 %), metallurgy (Cs = +0.94; 1.26 %), land transport (Cs = +2.42; 4.39 %), and aircraft production (Cs = +0.59; 1.68 %). The greatest number of fatal OI was detected in mining, construction, and agriculture as a share of fatal OI in the overall structure of occupational injuries amounted to 22.0 %, 19.2 %, and 11.7 % in these brunches accordingly. A probability that an injury becomes fatal is also the highest in them, 11.7, 9.0, and 6.0 accordingly. “Wood processing and production of wood articles”, “Aircraft production”, and “Construction” are among industries where risks of occupational injuries are the most probable.

occupational injuries, risk, workers, industries, occupational health and safety
Pankov V.A., Kuleshova M.V. Analyzing risks of occupational injuries in basic industries. Health Risk Analysis, 2021, no. 4, pp. 120–126. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2021.4.13.eng
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