On assessing risk factors that cause mortality due to malignant neoplasms among men living in industrial monotowns

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G.I. Tikhonova, M.S. Bryleva


Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health, 31 Budennogo Ave., Moscow, 105275, Russian Federation


The paper dwells on examining mortality among men due to malignant neoplasms (MNs) in Russia and in Norilsk and Monchegorsk, two monotowns located in the Arctic zone with the only industry there being nickel production. Nickel is a well-known carcinogen.

Given rather small population numbers in these two towns, the authors calculated mortality due to MNs that was averaged over 8 years (2010–2017) for 5-year age groups and standardized mortality ratios (SMR) for employable and post-employable ages as per this nosology in general and specific MNs localizations as well.

Mortality was comparatively analyzed in two male populations in the following pairs: Monchegorsk and Russia, Norilsk and Russia; the analysis was based on data on climatic peculiarities in the towns, working conditions at industrial enterprises, ecological situation, and socioeconomic features including an existing situation in public healthcare.

Socioeconomic welfare and public healthcare quality were close to average Russian ones in Monchegorsk, but SMR for employable population was higher than on average in the country: due to MNs in general, by 34.7 %; nickel-specific MNs such as MNs of the lip, mouth, and throat, by 2.2 times; MNs in the stomach, by 1.5 times.

In Norilsk working conditions were similar to those in Monchegorsk but the environmental conditions were worse; still, mortality among employable population was lower: due to MNs in general, by 15.4 %; MNs of the lip, mouth, and throat, by 14.0 %; due to MNs in the stomach, by 39.3 %. In comparison with Russia as a whole, mortality due to MNs was also lower at employable age but higher by 21.6 % at post-employable one.

A decrease in MNs-related mortality and carcinogenic effects becoming apparent at older ages were achieved due to organizing up-to-date oncologic aid in Norilsk including high-tech diagnostic, treatment, and rehabilitation procedures as well as due to higher living standards in the town.

mortality, malignant neoplasms, nickel, monotowns, risk factors, high-tech medical aid
Tikhonova G.I., Bryleva M.S. On assessing risk factors that cause mortality due to malignant neoplasms among men living in industrial monotowns. Health Risk Analysis, 2021, no. 3, pp. 67–77. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2021.3.06.eng
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