Assessing acute inhalation health risk caused by exposure to products created by nicotine-containing stuff consumption in enclosed spaces

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E.V. Zaritskaya1,2, V.N. Fedorov1,2, I.S. Iakubova2


1North-West Scientific Center for Hygiene and Public Health, 4 2-ya Sovetskaya Str., Saint Petersburg, 191036, Russian Federation
2North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, 41 Kirochnaya Str., Saint Petersburg, 195067, Russian Federation


Contemporary research reveals that electronic devices for nicotine consumption produce not so negative effects on health due to adverse chemicals being emitted in substantially lower quantities. Nevertheless, such consumption still results in emission of various organic and non-organic substances with their effects on health being rather unpredictable. It is necessary to conduct additional studies, including those focusing on passive smoking of electronic cigarettes and assessing health risks caused by exposure to them.
Our research goal was to assess acute health risks caused by passive consumption of tobacco and nicotine-containing products.
We built a model for tobacco or nicotine consumption by actual consumers (volunteers) and the process was evened as per a number of consumption sessions. We examined three products: tobacco cigarettes (cigarettes), electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS), and a tobacco heating system (IQOS). Background air quality parameters were measured in a specifically organized enclosed space prior to each study session. We also conducted experiments in so called «reference groups» when research participants didn’t consume the examined products but were in the same conditions. Health risks were assessed as per the Guide R «The Guide on assessing health risks caused by exposure to chemicals that pollute the environment».
Use of ENDS and IQOS does not result in significant changes in air composure and does not cause unacceptable acute health risk. Combined effects produced by contaminants on organs and systems resulted in health risks for respiratory organs, eyes, and body as a whole being insignificantly higher than permissible levels; these risks were practically the same as those detected for a reference group. Tobacco smoking resulted in unacceptable acute risks 1.5 hours after an experiment started; these risks were caused by elevated concentrations of such contaminants as acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, PM2.5, PM10, and carbon monoxide.

health risk, acute risk, acute additional risk, passive smoking, tobacco, nicotine-containing products, cigarettes, electronic nicotine delivery systems, electronic tobacco heating devices.
Zaritskaya E.V., Fedorov V.N., Iakubova I.S. Assessing acute inhalation health risk caused by exposure to products created by nicotine-containing stuff consumption in enclosed spaces. Health Risk Analysis, 2021, no. 2, pp. 61–71. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2021.2.06.eng
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