Assessing health risks associated with drinking water quality (on the example of regions in Bashkortostan where oil fields are located)

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L.R. Rakhmatullina, R.A. Suleymanov, T.K. Valeev, Z.B. Baktybaeva, N.R. Rakhmatullin


Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology, 94 Stepana Kuvykina Str., Ufa, 450106, Russian Federation


Providing population with drinking water conforming to all hygienic standards is a pressing issue on territories where oil fields are located. In our research we focus on assessing water supply sources located in areas with oil fields and health risks for people who consume water from centralized water supply systems aimed at providing drinking water and water for communal use.
Our research goal was to hygienically assess health risks for people living in areas where oil fields were located in Bashkortostan; these health risks were caused by people consuming water from centralized water supply systems.
Our analysis was based on data obtained via laboratory research performed by «Bashkommunvodokanal» water supply facility and Bashkortostan Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology; the data were collected in 2016–2018 in Chishminskiy and Dablekanovskiy districts. Risks associated with drinking water quality were assessed taking into account all the requirements fixed in the Guide R Organoleptic risks related to water olfactory-reflex properties were assessed according to procedures fixed in the Methodical Guidelines MR
Overall carcinogenic health risk assessed in Chishminskiy and Davlekanovskiy districts was higher than maximum permissible level due to chromium6+, DDT, lindane and arsenic detected in drinking water. Population carcinogenic risks amounted to 7 additional cases for people who consumed water supplied via water intake in Alkino-2 settlement; 69 additional cases, Isaakovskiy water intake; 76 additional cases, Kirzavodskoy water intake.
Results obtained via non-carcinogenic risk assessment performed for all examined territories indicate that diseases might occur in the hormonal system (HQ =3.04–4.56), liver (HQ =2.3–3.83), and kidneys (HQ =1.47–2.45). The highest non-carcinogenic risks were detected for people who took water from Kirzavodskoy water intake in Davlekanovskiy district.
We also detected unacceptable organoleptic risk (higher than 0.1) caused by excessive water hardness in Chishminskiy district.
All the obtained results call for developing and implementing a set of activities aimed at reducing health risks for population.

health risk assessment; carcinogenic risk, non-carcinogenic risk, organoleptic risk, oil extracting industry, water supply, «Pure water» Federal project, health risk, industrial enterprises, population health, drinking water
Rakhmatullina L.R., Suleymanov R.A., Valeev T.K., Baktybaeva Z.B., Rakhmatullin N.R. Assessing health risks associated with drinking water quality (on the example of regions in bashkortostan where oil fields are located). Health Risk Analysis, 2021, no. 2, pp. 33–40. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2021.2.03.eng
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