Assessing risks of developing myeloproliferative diseases complications with laser doppler flowmetry

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A.I. Bogomolov1, I.L. Davydkin2, E.A. Savinov 1, N.S. Popel'nyuk2, K.V. Naumova2


1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 49 Leningradskii Ave., 125993, Moscow, Russian Federation
2Samara State Medical University, 89 Chapaevskaya Str., Samara, 443099, Russian Federation


Public healthcare in Russia faces many challenges; meeting them requires non-standard and innovative approaches. The set tasks are being solved within the «Public healthcare development» State program. A sub-program within it is called «Development and implementation of innovative diagnostics, prevention, and treatment procedures as well as basics of personified medicine». This sub-program involves wide use of information and digital technologies. Personified medicine envisages developing such methods that would allow early detection of a probable disease even at a preliminary stage in examining a patient; this detection is to be based on a simple and relatively cheap diagnostic technology and to provide a medical center with reliable data on detected signs of a disease for a further diagnosis. Mass use of such technologies also requires truly reliable mathematic procedures and models for putting a preliminary diagnosis. At present cardiovascular diseases are still the leading cause of death all over the world; they
develop due to variable factors including influence exerted by malignant neoplasms and also due to chemotherapy.
The paper contains data collected by contemporary medical experts on case histories and complications of myeloproliferative diseases caused by vascular system pathology that holds the first rank place as per mortality worldwide. It was detected that both pathological cellular mass and medications applied to treat myeloproliferative neoplasms could produce adverse effects on vascular endothelium damage to which plays the leading role in cardiovascular continuum. To assess risks of myeloproliferative diseases complications, we examined patients using Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF). The results were processed with a logistic regression model. As per ROC-analysis results the obtained diagnostic criterion has sensitivity (1 – β) and specificity, (1 – α) that are equal to 0.87 and 0.96 accordingly, and it means diagnostics is high-quality. The procedure and the mode can be applied in digital medicine.

digital medicine, diagnostics, myeloproliferative diseases, vascular endothelium dysfunctions, Laser Doppler Flowmetry, mathematical model, logistic regression, risk assessment.
Bogomolov A.I., Davydkin I.L., E.A. Savinov, Popel'nyuk N.S., Naumova K.V Assessing risks of developing myeloproliferative diseases complications with laser doppler flowmetry. Health Risk Analysis, 2020, no. 3, pp. 160–168. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2020.3.19.eng
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