Assessing tension coefficient of body adaptation reserves under chronic exposure to factors existing in polar regions

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E.A. Lugovaya, I.V. Aver'yanova


«Arctica» Scientific and Research Center, the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 24 Karla Marksa Ave., Magadan, 685000, Russian Federation


When northern territories are divided into different zones, it is conventionally done as per a geographic approach. However, according to some researchers, the issue is to be considered within a more complex approach. Experts at «Arktika» Scientific Research Center of the RAS Far East Division suggested a procedure for determining a degree of environment discomfort; the procedure included assessing several factors: natural and climatic, economic-geographic, socioeconomic ones and factors related to the environment on a territory being suitable for living.
Our research goal was to assess tension coefficients of basic physiological systems and functional state of young people living in the North, in different Far East regions.
We applied random sampling and examined 1,632 young males aged from 17 to 21 who permanently resided in Magadan region. Similar groups made up of Caucasian young males were examined in Susuman settlement (n=88) and Anadyr in Chukotka Autonomous Area (n=65). We analyzed basic functional parameters of the cardiovascular system, microcirculation, external breath functioning, gas analysis, biochemical and microelement profile of a body.
Comparative analysis of all the obtained data reveal that Magadan city territory which is considered to belong to Zapolyarye (extreme climatic conditions) is no less uncomfortable, and in some relation even more uncomfortable, as per medical and biological parameters than subarctic territories in Magadan region (Susuman) or arctic zone (Anadyr, Chukotka) as it is shown by calculated discomfort coefficient. Accordingly, aggregated discomfort coefficients amounted to 3.21 arbitrary units in Magadan; 3.42 arbitrary units, in Susuman; 2.90 arbitrary units; in Anadyr (Chukotka); 0.46 arbitrary units, in Central Russia.
Given all the above stated, we believe that Magadan region territory can be considered a territory with a high discomfort degree.

young males living in north-eastern Russia, functional reserves, adaptation, cardiovascular system, external breath, gas analysis, microelements
Lugovaya E.A., Aver'yanova I.V. Assessing tension coefficient of body adaptation reserves under chronic exposure to factors existing in polar regions. Health Risk Analysis, 2020, no. 2, pp. 101–109. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2020.2.11.eng
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