Dynamics of acute morbidity and risk factors that cause frequent acute respiratory tract infections in infant children during their first year in a foster family

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O.Yu. Kocherova1, E.N. Antysheva1, V.V. Chubarovsky2, O.M. Filkina1, E.A. Vorobeva1


1V.N. Gorodkov's Ivanovo Scientific Research Institute for motherhood and childhood, 20 Pobedy Str., Ivanovo, 153045, Russian Federation
2National Medical Research Center for Children's Health, Bld. 1, 2 Lomonosovskiy Ave., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


Our research goal was to study dynamics of acute morbidity and reveal risk factors that caused frequent acute respiratory tract infections (acute RTIs) in infant children during their first year in a foster family (FF).
We examined health of 100 infant children at the moment they were adopted and after a year spent in a foster family; we also examined psychological peculiarities their foster mothers had. Our control group included 90 infant children of the same age who lived with their blood parents and their mothers. We studied social and biological case histories and performed clinical examinations of children. Psychological examinations of foster mothers and parent-child relations in families were performed with mini MMPI tests, procedures developed by Yu.A. Alyoshina, L.Ya. Gozman and E.M. Dubovskaya; A.Ya. Varg; V.V. Stolin; E.G. Eidemiller and V.V. Yustitskis. We applied Wald’s sequential analysis to draw up an expectancy table.
Our research allowed us to reveal that infant children who had spent a year in a foster family were more frequently as-signed into “often ill” category than children who lived with their blood parents. Adopted children tended to suffer from com-plicated acute RTIs more frequently. We detected several risk factors that could cause frequent acute respiratory infections; they were a child being born in the second or more delivery; reduced or drastically reduced resistance at the moment a child was adopted; a foster family being a one-parent one; insufficient amount of time spent by a foster mother with a child; such personality traits in a foster mother as impulsivity, masculinity, eccentricity, emotional immaturity; parents being primarily oriented at autonomous activities; a significant psychological distance between foster parents and a child; parents not treating a baby as an infant and ignoring its needs. We developed a forecast for acute respiratory tract infections in children during their adaptation in a new family taking into account not only biological factors, but also social and psychological ones.

risk factors, acute respiratory tract infections, children, infancy, foster families, social and biological case history, a psychological profile of a mother, parent-child relations
Kocherova O.Yu., Antysheva E.N., Chubarovsky V.V., Filkina O.M., Vorobeva E.A. Dynamics of acute morbidity and risk factors that cause frequent acute respiratory tract infections in infant children during their first year in a foster family. Health Risk Analysis, 2020, no. 1, pp. 76–82. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2020.1.08.eng
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