Evaluating the current status of the national health, safety and environment management system for integration, harmonization, and standardization of environmental protection

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Hamid Sarkheil1, Bahram Tahery2, Behzad Rayegani1, Javad Ramezani1, Hamid Goshtasb1, Ali Jahani1


1College of Environment, Albors province, Standard Sq., Karaj, 31746-1, Iran
2Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, 15875-4413, Iran


Our research focuses on a health and safety management system based on risk identification and analysis.
The research is vital due to its relation with GDP. GDP assessment performed in developing countries showed that losses caused by unmanaged HSE (Health, Safety, and Ecology) risks on average resulted in 4.2 % decline in GDP for those countries, with similar losses in various countries in this group. Hidden accidents and incidents caused by uncontrolled HSE result in damages that are about 12 times higher than the cost of direct damage.
Our research goal was to substantiate the necessity to create a national authority for managing HSE in one of the country's basic regulatory agencies. Its basic responsibilities will include developing national regulation in the sphere and increase awareness of various organizations that it is vital to identify risks and hazards within the HSE management system.
In order to solve the task, a think tank was organized that held regular meetings and included experts from three or-ganizations, namely the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, and the Environmental Protection Agency located at the top three points of the “HSE triangle”.
Another important part of our research was results and conclusions based on evaluating the existing situation with the national health, safety, and environment management system; it allowed introducing ten priority research projects. The research indicated that it was also very important to harmonize concepts, examples and methods of dealing with HSE, standardize and harmonize HSE systems at all levels in the country, finding possibility to transfer scientific and technical experience of foreign institutions and domestic institutions, as well as facilitating their maximum participation in sustainable development.

health, safety, ecology, GDP, hazard, risk, standardization, harmonization
Hamid Sarkheil, Bahram Tahery, Behzad Rayegani, Javad Ramezani, Hamid Goshtasb, Ali Jahani. Evaluating the current status of the national health, safety and environment management system for integration, harmonization, and standardization of environmental protection. Health Risk Analysis, 2020, no. 1, pp. 18–24. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2020.1.02.eng
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