Irrational lighting as a health risk occurring in the Arctic

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V.A. Kaptsov1, V.N. Deinego2


1All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Hygiene, Bldg. 1, 1 Pakgauznoe shosse, Moscow, 125438, Russian Federation
2Scientific and production commercial company “ELTAN LTD”, 2 Zavodskoy Prospekt, Fryazino, 141190, Russian Federation


We assessed health risks for operators who had to live in mobile houses in the Arctic regions. Inadequate lighting is a most significant factor related to housing conditions that can cause various pathologies resulting in decreasing working capacity. We revised data on impacts exerted by luminous and LED lighting on operators and it allowed us to determine reasons for “aftereffects” produced by LED lighting regarding an increase in latency in No. 95 pattern electroretinogram (PERG); this latency characterizes a situation with ganglionic cells in the visual analyzer. We put forward a hypothesis that lower “inhibition” efficiency was caused by absorption of blue light within 380–450 nanometers range, and an increase in PERG P50 amplitude was caused by an additional increase in Na+, Ca+ ions flows when ChR2 protein absorbed excessive 470 nm blue light against a blue light dose in a luminous lamp spectrum.
We showed that there were practically no changes in operators’ health after they had been exposed to dynamic LED lighting; however, all the participants in the experiment had a W-like splitting in P100 peak in visually induced cortical potentials as a response to stimuli with different angle sizes. When ganglionic cells are exposed to blue lighting, interaction between their degrading mitochondria and astrocytes becomes very important. LED lighting results in damage to mitochondria in ganglionic cells. Mitochondria are moved to the optic nerve head to be utilized where they are absorbed by astrocytes and eliminated with their lysosome. Should a speed of degrading mitochondria inflow exceed a speed at which they are utilized, it will cause mechanic strains in fibers of the optic nerve head due to “mitochondria jam”; this, in its turn, can lead to long-term disorders in the optic nerve head and glaucoma occurrence.
We formulated recommendations for the State Standard 23274-84 “Mobile houses. Electrical appliances. Overall technical conditions” and advised applying semi-conductor white light sources in them as they had a biologically adequate irradiation spectrum.

mobile houses, LED lighting, blue light, optic nerve, mitochondrion, astrocyte, glaucoma, biologically adequate irradiation spectrum.
Kaptsov V.A., Deinego V.N. Irrational lighting as a health risk occurring in the Arctic. Health Risk Analysis, 2020, no. 1, pp. 177–190. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2020.1.18.eng
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