Economic losses due to oncologic diseases related to modifiable risk factors

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A.V. Kontsevaya, Yu.A. Balanova, A.O. Myrzamatova, M.B. Khudyakov, D.K. Mukaneeva, O.M. Drapkina


National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine, bld. 10, Petroverigskiy lane, Moscow, 101990, Russian Federation


As per data provided by the WHO, about one third of death cases due to cancer are caused by risk factors that can be modified. Also, according to data provided by several authors, 4 modifiable risk factors cause 70% of malignant neoplasm cases that could have been prevented. Malignant neoplasms occupy the 2nd rank place in mortality structure in the Russian Federation. A significant share of analyzed malignant neoplasms can potentially be prevented provided that risk factors are corrected; therefore, investments into prevention should be a core in any activity aimed at public health improvement.
Our goal was to evaluate economic losses that occurred due to most common oncologic diseases related to behavioral risk factors among population in Russia in 2016 (including costs borne by the public healthcare and losses in the economy).
Our analysis comprised direct expenses borne by the public healthcare or, in other words, money spent on oncologic diseases treatment, direct funds allocated to pay disability allowances and temporary disability payments as well as indirect losses in the economy associated with untimely deaths and disability among employable population.
Aggregated economic losses that occurred due to 10 most common malignant neoplasms included into our analysis amounted to 241.3 billion rubles or 0.3% of the country GDP in 2016. Direct expenses accounted for 71.7% of the total losses while GDP losses caused by untimely deaths and disability amounted to 28.3%. The highest direct expenses borne by the public healthcare were due to colorectal cancer (52 billion rubles) and cancer in the trachea, bronchial tubes, and lungs (50 billion rubles).
Our data indicate it is necessary to invest into oncologic diseases prevention and treatment. These investments can produce a significant economic effect in long-term period thus making for economic growth.

economic losses, risk factors, oncologic diseases, public healthcare, expenses, economic losses, direct costs, indirect costs.
Kontsevaya A.V., Balanova Yu.A., Myrzamatova A.O., Khudyakov M.B., Mukaneeva D.K., Drapkina O.M. Economic losses due to oncologic diseases related to modifiable risk factors. Health Risk Analysis, 2020, no. 1, pp. 133–141. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2020.1.15.eng
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