Analysis of tools aimed at managung ambient air qyality in Perm city

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N.N. Zhizhin, M.S. D'yakov, M.B. Khodyashev


The Urals State Scientific and Research Institute for Regional Ecological Issues, 61a, Komsomolsky avenue, Perm, 614039, Russian Federation


The article dwells on analyzing tools aimed at managing ambient air quality on the example of Perm city and basing on the experience in using systems for dynamic standardizing. The authors discuss advantages and drawbacks of managing ambient air quality with unified programs for calculating atmospheric contamination (Russian abbreviation UPRZA), We analyzed drawbacks in methodology that could result in overstating when emissions from stationary sources were inventoried; those drawbacks didn’t allow using results of dispersion calculation for managing ambient air quality. Basing on data taken from literature sources and experience in UPRZA systems application, we suggest to cease applying UPRZA for operative ambient air quality management; instead, we propose to calculate admixtures dispersion with software that has been tested and used worldwide and that is freely accessible. Such software enables modeling actual meteorological conditions using data on wind profile and air temperature at various heights.

To manage ambient air quality due to identifying sources that cause more substantial contamination, modeling of toxicants dispersion should necessarily be based not only on data obtained from ground meteorological stations but also on data on temperatures and wind speed in the lower troposphere. To correctly calculate ground concentrations, we suggest applying the following data: results of uninterrupted control over emission sources that will be obtained via emission measuring tools according to changes made in the legislation in 2018; data on speeds of motor transport and fixation of transport flows structure recalculated into emissions from motorways; data on ground concentrations of admixtures including hydrogen sulphide and alkyl hydrosulphides that should be measured at ecological monitoring stations and measuring periodicity should not exceed 60 minutes; profiles of temperature, wind direction, and wind speed at various heights.

ambient air contamination, ambient air monitoring, monitoring posts, emissions standardizing, uninterrupted automated control, sulfur-containing compounds, ecological modeling, air probing
Zhizhin N.N., D'yakov M.S., Khodyashev M.B. Analysis of tools aimed at managung ambient air qyality in Perm city. Health Risk Analysis, 2019, no. 4, pp. 50–59. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2019.4.05.eng
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