Cardiotropic properties of chromone-3-aldehyde derivatives under an experimental cardiac infarction complicated with hypercholesterolemia

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A.V. Voronkov1, D.I. Pozdnyakov1, V.M. Rukоvitsyna1, E.T. Oganesyan1, M.P. Voronkova2


1Рyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute of Volgograd Medical State University of the Ministry of Health Care of Russia, 11 Kalinin Ave., Pyatigorsk, 357532, Russian Federation
2Volgograd State Medical University, 1 Pavshikh Bortsov Square, Volgograd, 400131, Russian Federation


Cardiac infarction still remains a leading cause of mortality among population. There are a lot of risk factors causing the disease and complicating it; undoubtedly, they require correction. Our research goal was to experimentally assess cardiotropic peculiarities of 4 chromone-3-aldehyde derivatives (coded as Х3АF, Х3АFOK, X3ANO2, and X3ANO2ОК) as medications aimed at minimizing risks of acute cardiac infarction complicated with hypercholesterolemia. The experiment was performed on 70 male Wistar rats (pubescent, with body weight being equal to 220-240 grams); the animals were divided into 7 equal experimental groups, 10 animals in each. The first group was made up of falsely operated animals. We modeled atherogenesis in 60 remaining rats via oral introduction of 3 % cholesterol dissolved in sunflower oil; the solution was introduced daily for 14 days. We also modeled acute cardiac infarction in them via ligating the left descending coronary artery with a silk thread. After 24 hours we performed electrocardiography to assess changes in QT range, and P, R, and T peaks amplitude. We also determined sizes of necrosis zones and ischemic damage foci in the cardiac muscle via double dying with Evans blue and tetrazolium chloride. We detected that compounds encoded as X3ANO2, X3ANO2OK, X3AF and X3AFOK had hypocholesteremic and cardiotropic effects which led to electrophysiological properties returning to physiological standards and a decrease in ischemia/necrosis zones in the cardiac muscle under cardiac infarction. Objects encoded as X3ANO2OK and X3AFOK were more pharmacologically active than X3ANO2 and X3AF, and X3ANO2OK substance was comparable to a reference medication, Meldonium in our case, in terms of its activity. Overall, the examined substances can be considered medications able to minimize risks of acute cardiac infarction complicated with hypercholesterolemia.

hypercholesterolemia, cardiac infarction, population mortality, risk factors, ischemia, necrosis, chromone derivatives, Meldonium, cardiac hystiocytes
Voronkov A.V., Pozdnyakov D.I., Rukоvitsyna V.M., Oganesyan E.T., Voronkova M.P. Cardiotropic properties of chro-mone-3-aldehyde derivatives under an experimental cardiac infarction complicated with hypercholesterolemia. Health Risk Analysis, 2019, no. 3, pp. 128–134. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2019.3.15.eng
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