Fatigue risk assessment for workers with neuro-enmotional labor

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I.V. Bukhtiyarov1,2, O.I. Yushkova1, M.A. Fesenko1, A.G. Merkulova1


1Izmerov's Research Institute of Occupational Health, 31, Budennogo avenue, Moscow, 105275, Russian Federation
2I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, 8 Trubetskaya Str., build. 2, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


The papers dwells on the results obtained during fatigue risk assessment as per subjective and objective parameters in civil aviation crew members.

Our research goal was to assess fatigue and overfatigue risks as per subjective and objective cardiovascular system parameters and central nervous system parameters in workers with morning and evening biorhythms under neuro-emotional workloads and shift work performed by planes crew members, air traffic controllers, and operators. Our examined workers were mostly people aged 35-45 with working period equal to 5-15 years.

Fatigue which occurred during flights was assessed subjectively by crew members questioning as per Epworth Sleep Scale, Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, and crew state control as per Samn-Perelli. Working efficiency was studied via PVT test (psychomotor vigilance test), sleep monitoring, and actigraphy. Circadian rhythms dynamics was examined as per changes in minimal body temperature which aircrew members had. We applied Ostberg's questionnaires to assess biorhythmologic activity type. Workers' functional reserves were assessed via stress testing. We calculated functional changes index to assess functional abilities of the circulatory system and adaptation state during a working shift in workers with various biorhythmologic types.

The paper outlines the examination results for physiological reactions appearing in the cardiovascular system and central nervous system of workers with morning and evening biorhythms. We revealed that functional state peculiarities in operators when they performed their work tasks in a shift regime were closely connected with their biorhythmologic activity type. "Early risers" had more adverse physiological reactions during their work activities. We developed ways to lower risks related to fatigue and overfatigue caused by shift work. It was shown that regulatory mechanisms stress occurring in the circulatory system, lower labor motivation, and poorer health in people with the morning biorhythmologic type made it necessary to correct the body functional state during shift work, especially when labor was very intense.

neuro-emotional labor, shift work, physiological reaction, fatigue risk, biorhythmologic activity type, regulatory mechanism
Bukhtiyarov I.V., Yushkova O.I., Fesenko M.A., Merkulova A.G. Fatigue risk assessment for workers with neuro-enmotional labor. Health Risk Analysis, 2018, no. 1, pp. 66–77. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2018.1.08.eng
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