Assessment of sensorimotor reactions peculiarities detected in certified test laboratory center staff during their occupational activities

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I.G. Nenakhov, Yu.I. Stepkin, I.A. Yakimova


Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko, 10 Studencheskaya Str., g. Voronezh, 394036, Russian Federation


Our research was performed on 90 people working at Voronezh Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, a certified test laboratory center. Our research goal was to assess peculiarities of sensorimotor reactions detected in personnel of hygienic and epidemiologic laboratories as per simple visual-motor reaction parameters and complex visual-motor reaction. To examine visual-motor reactions, we applied EffectonStudio software, "Jaguar. Perception. Reactions. Research on precision and speed qualities and human working capacity" package, and Maslash and Jackson procedure supplemented with a mathematical model developed in Bechterev's Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Psychoneurological Institute to assess occupational burnout risks. The paper dwells on how fatigue develops during a working week and on contributions made by each working day into overall fatigue experienced by personnel employed at a certified test laboratory center. We examined occupational burnout peculiarities detected in laboratory center workers as per emotional exhaustion parameters, depersonalization, and reduction in professional competences; we calculated integral burnout index for them. We reveled health risks for certified test laboratory center personnel which were caused by their emotional burnout and determined cause-and effect relations between the central nervous system functional state and emotional burnout. On the basis of the obtained data we made recommendations on prevention activities aimed at working conditions optimization and occupational burnout prophylaxis. Our research supplements and enlarges this knowledge sphere in occupational hygiene in terms of examining and preventing fatigue occurring in personnel at their workplaces.

emotional exhaustion, occupational burnout, depersonalization, reduction in professional competences, visual-motor reaction, working conditions optimization
Nenakhov I.G., Stepkin Yu.I., Yakimova I.A. Assessment of sensorimotor reactions peculiarities detected in certified test laboratory center staff during their occupational activities. Health Risk Analysis, 2018, no. 1, pp. 59–65. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2018.1.07.eng
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