Hygienic assessment of risk caused by application of graminis ke and rinkor vg herbicides

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M.M. Vasileva, A.A. Popel, E.S. Yurkevich, I.I. Ilyukova


Scientific-practical Hygiene Center, 8 Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk, 220012, Republic of Belarus


Our research goal was to perform hygienic assessment of risks caused by Graminis KE and Rinkor VG herbicides for people working with them. We applied sanitary-hygienic and toxicological research techniques in our work in full conformity with valid technical regulatory documents and guidelines. We set the following research tasks: to analyze literature and information sources; to perform primary toxicological assessment of preparatory herbicides and study their acute toxicity together with sensitizing effects at intragastric introduction, cutaneous application, and inhalation exposure on laboratory animals; to examine herbicides cumulative effects and calculation their cumulation coefficient; to examine working conditions during a natural experiment when Graminis KE and Rinkor VG herbicides were applied and calculate risks for workers; to work out scientifically grounded recommendations on their safety application in agriculture.
The examined herbicides, Graminis KE and Rinkor VG, are classified as substances with the 3rd hazard degree as per their toxicometric parameters (moderately hazardous substances). Calculated risks of complex (inhalant and dermal) exposure to Gramins KE and Rinkor VG herbicides for workers (operators who refills them and those who spray plants with them) when they are applied in agriculture don't exceed acceptable levels (are less than 1). Our work results allow to enrich a set of plant protectors which are applied in the country and to use such preparations in agriculture which are the least harmful for health and the environment. Application of Graminis KE and Rinkor VG herbicides will help to increase crops productivity.

hygienic risk assessment, herbicides, primary toxicological assessment, acute toxicity, sensitizing effects, cumulative properties, cumulation coefficient, agriculture
Vasileva M.M., Popel A.A., Yurkevich E.S., Ilyukova I.I. Hygienic assessment of risk caused by application of Graminis KE and Rinkor VG herbicides. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 4, pp. 49–56. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.4.05.eng
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