Assessment of correlation between leucocytes migration reaction and level of inhalation exposure to priority air contaminants

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L.B. Masnavieva, I.V. Kudaeva, V.S. Rukavishnikov


East-Siberian Institute of Medical and Ecological Research, 12а microdistrict, 3, Angarsk, 665827, Russian Federation


Nowadays each forth person suffers from allergic diseases and allergic pathology prevalence is constantly growing. There are compounds in air which are generally toxic, or have sensitizing or allergenic effects on a body. For example, we can name formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide. Our research goal was to reveal a correlation between reaction of leucocytes migration inhibition to formaldehyde and level of inhalation exposure to the examined chemicals. We examined 410 teenag-ers who permanently lived in industrial cities in Irkutsk region. We studied individual load as per formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide. We estimated eosinophils content in nasal mucus and determined indexes of leucocytes migration inhibition to for-maldehyde. Index of formaldehyde effects danger was detected to exceed 1 in 54% teenagers. The greatest value of danger coefficient in terms of exposure to this substance was equal to 1.76. anger index in terms of exposure to nitrogen dioxide didn't exceed 0.7 in the examined teenagers. The obtained results prove that inhalation formaldehyde load influences teenag-ers from industrial centers as sensitization to this substance evolves in them. We found out that true inhibition reaction of leucocytes migration in a reaction with formaldehyde more frequently occurred in people with danger index in terms of ex-posure to this substance being lower than 1. We obtained models which described correlation between level of sensitization to formaldehyde and a number of eosinophils in nasal mucus and it allowed us to detect that sensitization depended on the examined contaminants content in the air. The sensitization to chemical air contaminants which we revealed in teenagers calls for necessary activities aimed at reducing risks of allergenic pathology evolvement in them.

teenagers, formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, inhalation load, reaction of leucocytes migration inhibition, rhinocytogram, eosinophils
Masnavieva L.B., Kudaeva I.V., Rukavishnikov V.S. Assessment of correlation between leucocytes migration reaction and level of inhalation exposure to priority air contaminants. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 3, pp. 60–65. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.3.07.eng
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