Results of physiological adaptation assessmtn and health risks for labor migrants from Tajikistan

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M. Khodzhiev, N.F. Izmerov , I.V. Bukhtiyarov


Scientific Research Institute for Labor Medicine, 31 Budennogo Av., Moscow, 105275, Russian Federation


The paper focuses on the results of physiological research performed on 9 occupational groups of migrants who came to Moscow region of Russia from southern Central Asia republics. We studied adaptation processes characteristics in labor migrants as per cardiovascular system parameters and neuromuscular apparatus parameters. We revealed peculiarities in heart rate variability (changes in stress index S1, values of AMo, VLF spectrum power, PARS parameter) in migrants de-pending on neuro-emotional nature of working activity and muscular loads intensity. We detected apparent decrease in dynamometric parameters of endurance and maximum working capacity of arms muscles and backbones and legs muscles by the end of their working day. We created a procedure to determine an adaptation process stage under combined effects ex-erted by labor physical hardness and neuro-emotional intensity; unsatisfactory adaptation increases health disorders risks. We showed that long-term and intense impacts by factors determining labor process hardness caused occupational diseases of musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system. We revealed that as labor intensity grew working stress in a body also increased and it could transform into overstrain and occupational diseases evolvement (primary hypertension, ischemic heart diseases, and neurotic disorders). A distinctive feature is that men suffer from cardiovascular system pathologies more frequently while women tend to suffer from nervous system pathologies. In this relation, we should make separate predictions of occupational pathology probability depending on labor intensity level for males and females.

Adaptation processes optimization should include organization of rational work and rest regime, healthy lifestyle for-mation, improvements in medical aid for migrants.

migrants, neuro-emotional nature of labor, muscular loads, адаптация, heart rate variability, healthy lifestyle
Khodzhiev M., Izmerov N.F., Bukhtiyarov I.V. Results of physiological adaptation assessmtn and health risks for labor migrants from tajikistan. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 3, pp. 48–59. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.3.06.eng
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