Trial hygienic assessment and minimizing environmental health risks during leaders council meeting of shanghai cooperation organization countries and meeting of leaders and government heads of brics countries held in Ufa

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S.V. Kleyn1,2, S.Yu. Balashov1, E.G. Stepanov3, N.Kh. Davletnurov3


1 Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, 82 Monastyrskaya Str., Perm, 614045, Russian Federation
2 Perm State National Research University, 15 Bukireva Str., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation
3 Federal Service for Surceillance over Consumer Rights protection and Human Well-being, Bashkortostan Republic regional office 58 R. Zorge Str., Ufa, 450054, Russian Federation


The article outlines the results and experience obtained in the process of giving scientific grounds for volume and essence of a monitoring program, and detecting territories with health risks for Ufa city population, as well as for participants and visitors during the Summits (SCO member states leaders council and meeting of BRICS leaders and heads of BRICS countries governments). We detected that if unfavorable meteorological conditions occurred (calm or wind weaker than 0.5 m/sec) and if industrial enterprises were working at full capacity together with motorways being under peak loads it could lead to unacceptable health risks in areas where the Summits were organized; such risks for exposed population were related to dangers for respiratory organs (up to 5.66HI), eyes (up to 3.2HI), and system effects (up to 1.3HI). When we modeled weather conditions which were typical for July risks were assessed as being lower (in relation to respiratory organs up to 2.8HI, eyesight, up to 1.05HI, system effects up to 1.03HI), and an area where such risks could possibly occur was considerably smaller. We didn't detect any unacceptable health risks for participants and visitors of the Summits under exposure to chemical admixtures from drinking water and soil (HI=0.17 and HI=3.95*10–7 correspondingly). We suggested optimal programs for monitoring environmental objects aimed at providing maximum control over the situation. We also recommended to perform additional measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 fine-dispersed dust fractions when monitoring air quality. A comprehensive sanitary analysis of drinking water and soil quality control as per standard programs were offered. We created a set of activities which allowed to minimize health risks and to provide safe conditions for the Summits in term of all the examined factors. Implementation of the created monitoring program and recommended sanitary-epidemiologic activities as per data of instrumental air quality examination (more than 40,000 examinations as per 30 admixtures) as well as drinking water and soils during the SCO and BRICS Summits and on the days when the delegations arrived and left allowed to eliminate unacceptable risks for negative impacts on the health of Ufa population, participants, and visitors of the Summits. Participants and visitors of the events didn't suffer from any acute health disorders during this period.

public and political activities, safety, international legal regulation, environmental factors, population health provision, health risk
Kleyn S.V., Balashov S.Yu., Stepanov E.G., Davletnurov N.Kh. Trial hygienic assessment and minimizing environmental health risks during leaders council meeting of shanghai cooperation organization countries and meeting of leaders and government heads of BRICS countries held in Ufa. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 2, pp. 73–87. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.2.08.eng
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