Analyzing and developing criteria for assessing occupational traumatism risks basing on «best practice code»

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S.P. Levashov


Kurgan State University, 25 Gogolya Str., Kurgan, 640669, Russian Federation


A system of managing occupational risks is now being implemented in the Russian Federation; it implies developing mechanisms of their assessment. The article presents an assessment procedure for assessing occupational traumatism risks as a part of methodology for complex occupational risks assessment. Occupational traumatism risk assessment is based on such criteria as predicted traumatism frequency caused by priority risk factors for examined groups (discrete criteria of traumatism risks) and frequency diagram depending on consequences of injuries caused by priority risk factors. They are integral criteria of traumatism risks (known as F–N curves). «Best practice code» means traumatism risks levels which exist now in countries with high occupational safety.

Our research objects were cases and circumstances of traumatism occurring among such an occupational group as «drivers and operators of mobile equipment». We detected that increased risks levels occurred due to a limited number of factors from each group of variables and it, in general, corresponded to Pareto principle. We obtained a dependence of y = c×e–bх type (F–N curve analogue), which described correlation between relative frequency of injuries and gravity of damage caused by them as a median of temporary disability of workers from the examined occupational group (R² > 0,9). The obtained equations for approximating curve can be criterial in assessing injuring circumstances significance and risk levels for workers from relevant occupational groups in industry and agriculture in the Russian Federation.

Assessment results and assessing priority risks and factors causing them give a possibility to make decisions related to developing strategies, programs, techniques, and activities aimed at raising workers' safety in the examined occupational group.

occupational risk, risk factor, traumatism, risk assessment criteria, принцип Pareto principle, workers' safety, best practice code
Levashov S.P. Analyzing and developing criteria for assessing occupational traumatism risks basing on «Best Practice Code». Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 2, pp. 37–46. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.2.04.eng
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