Disorders in melanopsin effect of pupil constriction as a risk factor causing eye diseases

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V.A. Kaptsov 1, V.N.Dainego2


1 All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Hygiene, 1 Pakgauznoe Shosse Str., Bldg. 1, Moscow, 125438, Russian Faderation
2 Scientific-production company «ELTAN LTD», 2 Zavodskoy avenue, Fryazino, 141190, Russian Faderation


Risks of eye damage and eyesight deterioration to a great extent depend on how efficient a biomechanical eye system is under energy-saving lighting conditions. The system's efficiency is determined by its adequacy in managing pupils and ciliary muscle.

We analyzed mathematical models describing changes in pupil's diameter which were determined by light-technical parameters of illumination environment (luminance level and brightness). We highlighted the importance of ganglionic cells and the role they play in managing pupil's diameter (miosis) when they are exposed to blue light within 480 nm spectrum. Basing on the assessment of a pupil's constriction under exposure to various light stimuli (blue, red, and green ones) we worked out a melanopsin effect concept of a pupil's retention at miosis and showed that it could be a diagnostic sign of some diseases (age-related direct retinopathy, pancreatic diabetes) under exposure to a blue light impulse with a certain wave length. Under exposure to blue light within 480 nm spectrum ganglionic cells form a managing signal for a sphincter muscle of a pupil and ciliary muscle which provides accommodation (as per Helmholtz) and regulates aqueous humor flow in ciliary channel.

All modern energy-saving light sources have a low energy level at wave length equal to 480 nm due to gap in their spectrum in comparison with sunlight spectrum with the same light temperature and luminance level. Inadequate management of pupil's diameter under artificial lighting conditions leads to melanopsin effect disorders and causes disharmony in managing aqueous humor outflow. All the above-stated factors under long-term visual load cause eye diseases risks in modern illumination environment.

We detected that contemporary mathematic models describing pupil's diameter fluctuations needed to be refined allowing for new knowledge on functional peculiarities of retina cells and energy-saving light sources spectrum.

biomechanical eye system, LED illumination, blue light, pupil constriction, ganglionic cells, melanopsin effect, myopia evolvement risk
Kaptsov V.A., Dainego V.N. Disorders in melanopsin effect of pupil constriction as a risk factor causing eye diseases. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 1, pp. 132–148. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.1.15.eng
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