Peculiarities of territorial distribution and dynamics in rates of population noncommunicable diseases in the Krasnoyarsk Region associated with the influence of environmental risk factors

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D.V. Goryaev, I.V. Tikhonova


Administration of the Federal Supervision Service for Consumer's Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Krasnoyarsk Region, 21 Karatanova Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Federation


The analysis of the primary morbidity dynamics in the population of the Krasnoyarsk region is performed for the period 2005–2015. The incidence forecast by classes of ICD diseases, X revision is calculated. It was found that the figures of the first time revealed incidence in the Krasnoyarsk region exceeded the average for the Russian Federation during the years 2011–2014 on neoplasms, nervous system diseases, diseases of the circulatory and the digestive systems, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, endocrine diseases and a number of other systems. The values of the integral health risk indicators are calculated by the methodology of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Agency of the year 1995. For risk characteristics the following criteria are used: integral index of health less than <0.312 – minimal risk; 0.313–0.500 – moderate risk; 0.501–0.688 – increased risk of more than 0.689 – the highest risk. It was found that the increased health risk is typical of 21 municipal territories of the region, which is home to 66.1 % of the population. Among the areas with “high” public health risk in different years were Sharypovo, Birilyussy and Evenk districts. In most areas the priorities relate to a group of non-communicable diseases associated with the negative impact of various factors of habitat population (disease of the respiratory system, circulatory system, neoplasms, including malignant, etc.). According to the forecasts in 2016 we expect the decrease in the proportion of inhabitants in the region from the group with the “moderate” and “elevated” risk, and an increase in the number of people with “high” and “minimal” risk to public health. It is shown that a number of regional municipalities have a necessity in the planning and implementation of measures to improve the population health.

Krasnoyarsk Region, primary morbidity, integrated health assessment, risk areas
Goryaev D.V., Tikhonova I.V. Peculiarities of territorial distribution and dynamics in rates of population noncommunicable diseases in the Krasnoyarsk region associated with the influence of environmental risk factors. Health Risk Analysis, 2016, no. 4, pp. 54–63. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2016.4.07.eng
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