Risk factors and prediction of physical problems in children induced by nervous system diseases

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E.A. Vorobieva, O.M. Filkina, N.V. Dolotova


Ivanovo Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood named after V.N. Gorodkova, 109 Shuvandina Str., Ivanovo, 153045, Russian Federation


It was shown that in the conditions of intensive development of resuscitation techniques, newborn care and infant mortality reduction, including born with extremely low birth weight, one of the consequences of the process is the growing number of children with disabilities. In Russia, the disability of children under 4 years due to diseases of the nervous system consistently takes second place as on prevalence, as on the share in the structure of disability in this age. The purpose of the study was to identify risk factors and the development of prognostic tables for the most common early childhood disorders of physical health of children with disabilities due to diseases of the nervous system. A clinical examination of 178 children with disabilities due to diseases of the nervous system (with spastic forms of cerebral palsy) at the age of 1–3 years was carried out. To identify the risk factors and to draft the expectancy table, the method of sequential mathematical analysis of Wald has been used. It is shown that the priority kinds of physical health disorders of studied children with disabilities are frequent acute respiratory infections, deficient anemia, malnutrition, atopic dermatitis. It was found that during the formation of the frequent incidence of disabled children with acute respiratory diseases and atopic dermatitis neonatal and post-neonatal factors in the formation of deficiency anemia and malnutrition – antenatal and neonatal risk factors are of the greatest importance. Tables of health disorders suitable for practical use of these predictions were designed. Pediatricians recommended to include children with poor prognosis in the risk group for the formation of these health problems and prescribe preventive measures that reduce the likelihood of risk realization.

risk factors, prognosis of health problems, children with disabilities, cerebral palsy
Vorobieva E.A., Filkina O.M., Dolotova N.V. Risk factors and prediction of physical problems in children in-duced by nervous system diseases. Health Risk Analysis, 2016, no. 4, pp. 46–53. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2016.4.06.eng
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