The impact of meteo-factors on increase of arterial blood pressure
V.A. Belyayeva
Institute of Biomedical Investigations, 47 Pushkinskaya Str., Vladikavkaz, 362019, Russian Federation
The aim of the work is to study the impact of the meteorologic factors on the increase of the arterial blood pressure in the population of Vladikavkaz city considering gender specificity. The archive data of the Vladikavkaz ambulance during the first half-year of 2012 were the material of the study, ranged according to the number of calls of the patients with the complaints on the aggravation of symptoms due to the arterial pressure increase. According to the archive data, the corresponding base of average daily indices of meteo-factors (the air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind rate, cloudiness) was formed, the indices of weather pathogenicity were considered. The posthoc analysis of the obtained data was carried out with the use of the statistical analysis packet Statistica 6.0. It is indicated, that the number of the ambulance calls to the patients with the arterial hypertension increases during “acute” meteo-conditions. The number of calls in women is higher than the number of calls in men. The inverse correlation between average daily air temperature and patients asking for help in the connection with aggravation symptoms against a background of the arterial pressure increase (AP) was revealed. The peak increase of the ambulance calls frequency is observed while low temperature (< –100 ° C). A correlational link between AP increase frequency and the pathogenicity temperature index was established. AP increase frequency correlates with common pathogenicity index in women, and it may point out the high reactivity of cardio-vascular system in response to the impact of complex negative meteo-factors. The impact of the unfavorable weather conditions is the risk factor to the health as it may lead to the development of the cardiovascular catastrophe against a background of AP increase.
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