Complex evaluation of health status and life quality of employees occupied in mining and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials

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G.G. Gimranova1, A.B. Bakirov1, L.K. Karimova1, Z.F. Gimaeva2, N.A. Beigul1


1 Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology, 94 Stepan Kuvykin St., Ufa, 450106, Russian Federation
2 Bashkir State Medical University, 3 Lenin St., Ufa, 450000, Russian Federation


A complex social-hygienic investigation for the assessment of health-related life quality and living standards among 1200 male workers occupied in mining and primary processing of hydrocarbon raw materials has been performed. The study included the method of the anonymous survey for the employee with using a questionnaire developed by WHO experts for the realization of Health, environment and social capital management in enterprises (HESME). The health risk factors’ prevalence associated with alcohol, smoking, low physical activity, poor nutrition, stress in the workplace has been established. The feeling of stress and nervousness is generated by the fear of dismissal (18 % of employees), conflicts with administration (4%) and by financial problems. About 47% of persons are anxious about social and economic instability. Not more than 4% of employees consider that the health deterioration is directly related to harmful working conditions. The survey has revealed an inflated self-esteem regarding the health. Thus 59.00 % of employee considers their health status to be excellent or normal, while an objective assessment revealed only 29.7 % of healthy employee. Due to the employee’s opinion, the saving of health is conditioned by healthy lifestyle, but the practice of self-preservation behavior is poorly spread. Not more than 37 % of respondents follow the doctors’ recommendations. Among the positive process there are changes in dietary habits in everyday life, namely 60 % of the respondents have chosen the balanced diet. The obtained data regarding the quality and way of life of the employee, occupied in mining and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, should be taken into consideration when developing complex social development programs on an enterprise.

health status, lifestyle, quality of life, employees occupied in mining and primary processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, harmful production factor, risk factor, psycho-emotional factor, motivation
Gimranova G.G., Bakirov A.B., Karimova L.K., Gimaeva Z.F., Beigul N.A. Complex evaluation of health sta-tus and life quality of employees occupied in mining and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials. Health Risk Analysis, 2016, no. 2, pp. 36–44. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2016.2.05.eng
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