Hygienic assessment of habitat adverse social and sanitary factors in the Altai Krai
A.A. Ushakov1, V.V. Turbinskiy2, I.G. Paschenko1, A.S. Katunina1
1 Office of Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the Altai Krai, Russian Federation, Altai Krai, Barnaul, 28 Gorkogo St., 656056
2 FBSI “Novosibirsk Research Institute of Hygiene” Rospotrebnadzor, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, 7 Parkhomenko St., 630108
The materials on health status, socio-economic, sanitary living conditions of the population of the Altai Krai have been analyzed. The comparative analysis of the conditions of life and health outcomes in urban and rural settlements’ population has been performed. The estimation of health indicators’ correlation has been carried out in children of age group 0-1 years, children of age group 0-14 years, teens of age group 15-17 years and adults of age group over 18 years, depending on the type (urban or rural) of settlement with indicators of social and sanitary environmental factors. Regression equations for the health outcomes of different age groups on the level of hygiene and social environmental factors are set, regional critical (reference) values are justified. The hygienic assessment of unfavorable social, health and sanitation of the environment on the health of the population in the Altai Krai is provided.
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