Neurotransmitter system of immune regulation as a marker of immunological disorders in pupils in the conditions of increased entry of strontium with drinking water
О.V. Dolgikh1,2, А.V. Krivtsov1, К.G. Starkova1, V.А. Luchnikova1, О.А. Bubnova1,2, D.G. Dianova1, N.V. Bezruchenko1,2, N.A. Vdovina1
1 FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”, Russian Federation, Perm, 82 Monastyrskaya St., 614045
1 FBSEI HPE “Perm State National Research University”, Russian Federation, Perm, 15 Bukireva St., 614990
The evaluation of immunological markers in schoolchildren exposed to strontium is performed. It is shown that under the conditions of increased administration of strontium with drinking water the indication of spontaneous and induced levels of neurotransmitters in vitro allows to detect early functional disorders of the immune system. It was found that the following markers of specific hypersensitivity and mediators of intercellular immune regulation (IgG specific to strontium, cytokines IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-17, α-TNF, GM-CSF, spontaneous and specifically stimulated, RANKL, OPG( may be proposed for the identification of health risk as early markers of immune disorders in school children living in areas of strontium geochemical provinces.
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