Peripheral blood values in workers occupied in the petrochemical production

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G.G. Badamshina, О.V. Valeeva, R.А. Daukaev, D.О. Karimov, А.N. Aslaev


FBSI “Ufa Institute of Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology”, Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, 94 Stepan Kuvykina St., 450106


The study is devoted to solution of the problems of the early changes detection in a body on the stages, when only the conditions for the pathology formation were created. The analysis of peripheral blood in the workers, occupied in petrochemical production, allowed us to diagnose the changes that testify the body defenses’ decrease that occurs under exposure to chemicals. It is shown that in the initial period of exposure to harmful substances the body's reaction to a toxic irritant contain both specific and nonspecific components. The first working years is characterized by the reduction of the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Over the next years the gradual stabilization is presented, and then the moderate and persistent increase in red blood indices occur, what indicate on the adaptive nature of the condition.

It was established, that in dependence of the tropism, mechanism of action and the hazard class of hazardous substances, the diverse hematological changes in the body workers are revealed.

hematological values, chemical factor, petrochemical production, benzol, olefin oxides
Badamshina G.G., Valeeva О.V., Daukaev R.А., Karimov D.О., Aslaev А.N. Peripheral blood values in workers occupied in the petrochemical production. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 2, pp. 61-67. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.2.08.eng
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