Regulatory and legal framework for prevention of violations of the reproductive health of workers occupied in hazardous industries in the Russian Federation

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О.V. Sivochalova, М.А. Fesenko, G.V. Golovanova, Т.V. Morozova, Е.Yu. Gromova


FBSI “Scientific Research Institute of Occupational Medicine”, Russian Federation, Moscow, 31 Prospect Budenogo, 105275


The article represents the legal documents, the requirements that are aimed to protect female workers’ reproductive health. The basic requirements of domestic documents, that are aimed to prevent the reproductive disorders, adverse pregnancy outcomes and neonatal health, are reported. It is shown that in the legal documents of the Russian Federation, the prevention of reproductive health of workers occupied in hazardous industries, in particular women, has been covered enough, and if compare with the international standards on this issue, the prevention is carried out in sufficient volume, except for certain provisions. We have developed the proposals for the revision of a number of legal instruments in order to preserve the reproductive health of female workers of the harmful and hazardous industries, as well as improving the health of future generations.

female worker, reproductive health, reprotoxicants, regulatory documents
Sivochalova О.V., Fesenko М.А., Golovanova G.V., Morozova Т.V., Gromova Е.Yu. Regulatory and legal framework for prevention of violations of the reproductive health of workers occupied in hazardous industries in the Russian Federation. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 2, pp. 45-51. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.2.06.eng
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