Actual problems of environmental factors risk assessment on human health and ways to improve it

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Y.A. Rakhmanin, S.М. Novikov, S.L. Аvаliani, O.O. Sinitsyna, T.A. Shashina


A.N. Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Russian Federation, Moscow, 10, bld.1, Pogodinskaya str., 119991, GSP-1


The article provides an analysis of global trends and new areas of health risk assessment and analysis methodology caused by exposure to chemicals, environmental pollutants, and the contemporary issues of national assessment methodology. Most details are considered: risk assessment evidence base, modern methods and problems of carcinogenic risk assessment, hygienic regulation based on risk assessment, the economic aspects of the methodology. Particular attention is paid to reasons of recent years perceived gaps in the Russian methodological basis of the best foreign samples. The urgent measures to improve the national risk assessment methodology are proposed, the main of which are: legislative consolidation of the basic concepts of risk assessment, a further update of the methodology and the practice of hygienic regulation on the basis of risk assessment, improving the valuation of damage to human health, the tightening of the requirements to the developed regulatory guidance documents on risk assessment, as well as to the training and retraining of personnel in the risk assessment.

evidence-based risk assessment, risk analysis, carcinogenic effects, hygienic regulation
Rakhmanin Y.A., Novikov S.М., Аvаliani S.L., Sinitsyna O.O., Shashina T.A. Actual problems of environmental factors risk assessment on human health and ways to improve it. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 2, pp. 4-11. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.2.01.eng
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