Experimental justification of indicative microbiological values for the safety of water bodies in the recreation areas

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Е.V. Drozdova, S.I. Sychik, V.V. Buraya, N.V. Dudchik, А.V. Firago, Т.Z. Volk


RUE “Scientific Practical Centre of Hygiene” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 8, Academicheskaya St., 220012


The article provides the assessment of the microbiological values of water bodies if they are used for recreational purposes and distinguishes the epidemiologically significant parameters. In order to validate the indicative safety values taking into account the existing conditions of the recreational use of water we conducted the hygienic assessment of water in the water bodies used for recreational purposes under the indicative microbiological values (total microbial count, thermotolerant coliform bacteria, E. coli; enterococcus, spores of sulfite-reducing Clostridia; coliphages; Ps. aeruginosa) and the content of pathogenic microorganisms; also the microbiological profile of water was identified. The obtained data will be used to improve the system for monitoring of water bodies in the recreation areas.

recreational use of water, surface water bodies, monitoring, assessment of risks, microbiological health risks, indicative microorganisms
Drozdova Е.V., Sychik S.I., Buraya V.V., Dudchik N.V., Firago А.V., Volk Т.Z. Experimental justification of indicative microbiological values for the safety of water bodies in the recreation areas. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 1, pp. 60-68. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.1.07.eng
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