Assessment of risk for the formation of psycho-physical development and somatic health disorders in children in the preschool educational organizations with different representation of groups
О.Yu. Ustinova1,2, А.V. Alekseeva1, K.P. Luzhetsky1,2, О.А. Maklakova1,2, Yu.А. Ivashova1, V.G. Makarova1, О.А. Kobyakova1
1 FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies", Russian Federation, Perm, 82, Monastyrskaya St., 614045,
2 FSBEI of Higher Professional Education “Perm State National Research University”, Russian Federation, Perm, 15, Bukireva St., 614990
We conducted the study of sanitary and hygienic conditions for the staying of children in the preschool educational organization with increased representation of groups. It was established that in the “compacted” preschool educational organizations (30 children in group) the area of playing rooms does not comply with requirements of SanPIN–13; the acoustic exposure level reaches 75–80 dBA; the air of playing rooms contains phenol and formaldehyde in the concentrations exceeding the threshold level value for continuous exposure; and the bacterial load of the air of playing rooms, including the potentially pathogenic flora, increases significantly. The increased number of children in groups increases the risk of delays in the psycho-physical development of children and reduction of adaptive reserve of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems; increases the risk for formation of systemic multiple organ pathology that, in aggregate, contributes to the increased morbidity of children with allergic diseases of respiratory organs and skin, chronic inflammatory diseases of pharyngonasal cavity, bacterial intestinal and quarantine infections, functional disorders of nervous system and contact helminth infestations.
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