Risks and specific features of bronchopulmonary pathology in apatite-nepheline enterprise workers in Kola High North

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S.A. Siurin, V.V. Shilov


Northwest Public Health Research Center, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, 4, 2-ya Sovetskaya St., 191036


The survey of 3871 employees of mining and chemical industry engaged in the production, transportation and processing of apatite-nepheline ore in the Kola High North showed the worst state of respiratory health in open pit miners. They have higher risk of chronic bronchopulmonary diseases than miners of underground mines (RR = 1.30), enrichment plant workers (RR = 1.81) and the railway department workers (RR = 3.80). The findings stress the need for improved working conditions and more effective personal respiratory protection devices in this group of workers.

apatite-nepheline production, bronchopulmonary pathology, Kola High North
Siurin S.A., Shilov V.V. Risks and specific features of bronchopulmonary pathology in apatite-nepheline enterprise workers in Kola High North. Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 4, pp. 60-65
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