European food safety authority experience in assessing of the exposure of agricultural and domestic animals to chemical impurities grain and ready-feed mixtures (for example, deoxynivalenol)

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Fanny Héraud1, N.V. Nikiforova2


1 European Food Safety Authority, Italy, Parma,Via Carlo Magno 1A, 43126,
2 FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”, Russian Federation, Perm, 82, Monastyrskaya St., 614045


The results of studies in the framework of international cooperation in the study of approaches to the assessment of the risks to human health, animals in the use of foods containing deoxynivalenol (DON) have been demonstrated. The data on the levels of contamination of crops used as animal feed, deoxynivalenol and its metabolites are presented. The approach to the assessment of acute exposure and farm animals and pets to chemical impurities crops and ready-feed mixtures is explained. The evaluation of chronic exposure has detected that the dose of receipt of DON with cereals and ready to feed the animals ranged from 3,9-43,5 mcg/kg per day. The highest dose in a single and chronic food intake is administrated to broiler chickens and ducks broilers. Possible negative effects of DON (reduction in body weight of animals, toxemia, etc.), administrating with food, should first of all be expected in respect of poultry, domestic pigs, ducks broilers.

deoxynivalenol, feed, grain, exposure, domestic animals
Fanny Héraud, Nikiforova N.V. European food safety authority experience in assessing of the exposure of agricultural and domestic animals to chemical impurities grain and ready-feed mixtures (for example, deoxynivalenol). Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 4, pp. 52-59
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