Influence risks of the led panel light on an operator's health

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V.А. Kaptsov1, V.N. Deinego2


1 FSUE "All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Hygiene" Rospotrebnadzor, Russian Federation, Moscow, 1, Pakgauznoe Highway, Bldg. 1, 125438,
2 LLC "New energy technologies", Russian Federation, Moscow, Skolkovo village, “Technopark ”Skolkovo”, 100, Novaya St., 143025


Lighting LED backlit panel with the backlighting creates additional load on an operator, increasing the suppression of melatonin synthesis. The spectrum of light emitted by the LED-backlit display affects the circadian rhythms, drowsiness and cognitive levels of productivity. The possibility of using LED lighting studies while working in professions related to traffic safety, and above all machinists-drivers and dispatchers-operators showed a decrease of functional stability to color sense of green and red signals, an increase in the execution time of complex visual-motor reactions and significant reductions in readiness for emergency action of the surveyed persons.

LED panel, health risk, functional stability
Kaptsov V.А., Deinego V.N. Influence risks of the led panel light on an operator's health. Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 4, pp. 37-46
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