Choice of studying method the food for children in organized groups in health risk assessment


A.J. Perevalov, D.N. Lir


SBEI HPE Perm State Medical University named after academician J.A. Wagner of Russian Ministry of Health, Russian Federation, Perm, 28, Petropavlovskaya St., 614990


In the article the results of a comparative analysis of methods for studying nutrition of preschool children in organized groups (for example, the city of Perm) are demonstrated. The study was carried out in two ways: using the method of menu-layout (12 diets) and weight method (14832 individual servings). It is found that the data obtained by the weight method, had more accurate information about the actual state of nutrition in kindergartens. Losses due to the remnants of the uneaten portions are substantial and averaged 47% nutrients and about 60% on food packages. It is demostrated the applicability of using gravimetric method, adapted for the objective evaluation and study of actual nutrition in organized groups, for the subsequent assessment of individual risk profiles for children's health.

preschoolers, diets, nutrition assessment methods
Perevalov A.J., Lir D.N. Choice of studying method the food for children in organized groups in health risk assessment. Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 4, pp. 20-26
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