Bio-pathogens as a significant health risk factor and their control in environment or desinfecting "risks in the honorable mission" of combat against infectious diseases

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N.V. Shestopalov1, M.G. Shandala1,2


1 Federal Budgetary Scientific Institution “Research Institute of Desinfectology” under Rospotrebnadzor, Russian Federation, Moscow, 81, Naychniy proezd, 117246
2 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University under RF Ministry of Health, Russian Federation, Moscow, 8, Trubetskaya St., 117246


Due to the significant proportion of infectious diseases in the general population morbidity, the article explains the need to attract more attention to the study biological pathogens in the environment as a significant health risk factor, as well as the development of a specific methodology for its evaluation within the antimicrobial protection frames. Disinfection based on the use of antimicrobial agents for the epidemiological purposes is an important element of this system, that is why the article deals with the generation of main factors of individual and population risk of infectious diseases. The contingency of the disinfection activity with health risks is formulated: the lack of its effectiveness, on the one hand, and the lack of biocidal selectivity of disinfectants used, on the other. So, there are risks of injury both in case of the non-use (epidemiological risk) and in case of incorrect use (toxic and hygienic risks) of disinfection measures, which, therefore, require the development and use of a new concept – "Risk vs. Risk".

bio-pathogens, antimicrobial protection, infectious diseases, disinfection activity, microbial resistance, disinfection risks
Shestopalov N.V., Shandala M.G. Bio-pathogens as a significant health risk factor and their control in environment or desinfecting "risks in the honorable mission" of combat against infectious diseases.Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 4, pp. 14-19
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