Cytogenetic monitoring of environmental health risk in Bashkortostan

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A.T. Volkova, O.S. Tselousova, I.A. Potapova


SBEI HPE “Bashkir State Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health, Russian Federation, Ufa, 3, Lenina St., 450000


Cytogenetic monitoring of the environmental impact on human health was performed through the study of cytogenetic buccal epithelial cells among residents of the northern and southern parts of the city of Ufa and the rural population of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Residents of the southern and northern parts of the city of Ufa are a group of moderate and high cytogenetic damage risk (Iac 3.39 and 4.10 respectively). Villagers were included in a group of low cytogenetic damage risk (Iac 1.68). In the residents of Ufa cytogenetic damage accumulation index is about 2-2.44 times higher than in the rural population, which is probably due to the effects of urban environment genotoxic factors.

cytogenetic monitoring, buccal epithelium, karyological test, micronuclei, proliferation, apoptosis, cytogenetic damage accumulation index
Volkova A.T., Tselousova O.S., Potapova I.A. Cytogenetic monitoring of environmental health risk in Bashkortostan. Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 3, pp. 56-60
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