Micronutrient deficiency and mechanisms of its regulation in the Saratov region

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S.V. Sergeyeva, O.I. Kozhanova, A.V. Khan, N.K. Fomicheva


Saratov Region Department of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance, Russian Federation, Saratov, 7 Volskaya St., 410028


Vitamin and micronutrient deficiency is an acute issue for all of the Russian Federation regions. This paper evaluates current characteristics of micronutrient deficiency in the Saratov region. Based on a comprehensive approach, the paper suggests the development of a managed system of the detection, correction and prevention of health disorders, related to the risk of developing micronutrient deficiency, in children.

population, nutrition, micronutrients, deficiency,disease incidence in adults and children, prevention, management mechanisms
Sergeyeva S.V., Kozhanova O.I., Khan A.V., Fomicheva N.K. Micronutrient deficiency and mechanisms of its regulation in the Saratov region. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 4, pp. 64-79
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