Epidemiological analysis and risk assessment of respiratory diseases in individuals residing in the area influenced by a large paper mill

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T.N. Unguryanu


Arkhangelsk Region Department of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk, 24 Gaydara St., 163061


Epidemiological analysis of disease incidence in Novodvinsk citizens revealed that in an area with higher levels of ambient air pollution caused by the substances specific to the paper-making industry, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections (223.2 ‰) and chronic bronchitis (25.9 ‰) in adults and the incidence of acute bronchitis (158.0 ‰) and bronchial asthma (28.8 ‰) in children was 1.2 to 1.6 times higher when compared with those areas of the city which are remote from the paper mill (χ 2 =4.3–70.6, р=0.038–р<0.001). The study determined a high risk of general toxic effects on the respiratory organs in children (HI=5.7–13.6) and in adults (HI=4.5–6.1), which develops mainly due to the chemical substances contained in the emissions from the paper mill.

respiratory diseases, risk assessment, paper-making industry
Unguryanu T.N. Epidemiological analysis and risk assessment of respiratory diseases in individuals residing in the area influenced by a large paper mill. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 4, pp. 41-45
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