Analysis of the efficiency of management decisions on the prevention of iodine deficiency conditions at the municipal level in the Ulyanovsk region

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M.A. Sukhanov, Ye.N. Dubovitskaya


Ulyanovsk Region Department of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance, Russia, 4 Dmitriya Ulyanova St, 432063


The efficiency of management decisions was evaluated in the case study of the prevention of iodine deficiency conditions in the Ulyanovsk Region.

social and hygiene monitoring, management decisions, iodine deficiency conditions
Sukhanov M.A., Dubovitskaya Ye.N. Analysis of the efficiency of management decisions on the prevention of iodine deficiency conditions at the municipal level in the Ulyanovsk region. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 2, pp. 64-72
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