An assessment of the risk associated with behavioral lifestyle factors

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R.V. Buzinov, T.N. Unguryanu


Arkhangelsk Region Department of the Federal Service on
Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance, Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk, 24 Gaydara St, 163000


The prevalence of smoking and alcohol consumption in the urban population of the Arkhangelsk Region was studied in this work and the associated risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD) was assessed. A total of 697 individuals aged 18 or over participated in the survey. The share of the smoking urban population in the Arkhangelsk region was 37.4 % whereas the percentage of individuals consuming alcohol once a month or more often was 35.5 %. The total risk of the impact of smoking and alcohol consumption for the urban population in
the age groups 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 and over, was 7.0×10 -3 , 2.2×10 -2 , 5.2×10 -1 , respectively, and was unacceptable. The main contribution to the overall risk of IHD is smoking (91.5 %).

smoking, alcohol consumption, health risk
Buzinov R.V., Unguryanu T.N. An assessment of the risk associated with behavioral lifestyle factors. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 2, pp. 45-48
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