Determined ecological human health risk factors in single factory towns

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V.M. Boev1, M.V. Boev1, L.M.Tulina2, A.A. Neplokhov2


1 State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Orenburg State Academy of Medicine”, Russian Federation, Orenburg. 6 Sovyetskaya St, 460000,
2 Federal Budgetary Health Care Institution “The Orenburg Region Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology”, Russian Federation, Orenburg, 48 Kirova St, 460000


We have undertaken a comprehensive comparative assessment of quantitative relationships between the contribution of environmental anthropogenic factors and the indicators of individual and population carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks. This assessment confirms the influence of the major anthropogenic factors on children's health in single factory towns.

single factory town, individual and population carcinogenic risk, anthropogenic factors, children
Boev V.M., Boev M.V., Tulina L.M., Neplokhov A.A. Determined ecological human health risk factors in single factory towns. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 2, pp. 39-44
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