Toxicological and hygienic safety assessment of the aqueous suspension of nano-dispersed silicon dioxide, synthesized using liquid-crystal templating

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N.V. Zaitseva1, M.A. Zemlyanova1, V.N. Zvezdin1, Ye.V. Sayenko2


1 Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, Russian Federation, 82 Monastyrskya St., Perm, 614045,
2 Institute of Technical Chemistry, the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation, 3 Academician Korolev St., Perm, 614045


An experimental study of the aqueous suspension of nano-dispersed silicon dioxide, which had been synthesized using liquid-crystal templating, by a single intra-gastric administration resulted in assigning the tested product to class of hazard 3 according to LD50. We identified a complex of morphological changes in the lowest tested dose of 500 mg/kg which manifested through pronounced changes in the circulatory system – a significant vasodilation and plethora of large blood vessels of the liver, kidneys and the thymus. We also observed the activation of proliferative processes in the lymphatic and macrophage system, the development of degenerative processes in the liver, the kidneys, the red pulp of the spleen and the lungs.

No death of the animals was observed when administering the micro-dispersed analog of the compound intra-gastrically (class of hazard 4). When administering 500 mg/kg, we observed a complex of morphological changes – moderate vascular changes in the kidneys, the heart, the brain, and the liver, insignificant proliferative changes in the liver, a proliferative reaction in the lymphoid tissue, lymphocytic infiltration in the tissues of the oesophagus, the stomach, the liver, the kidneys and the large intestine.

aqueous suspension of nano-dispersed silicon dioxide, potential hazard, toxicological and hygienic assessment, population health
Zaitseva N.V., Zemlyanova M.A., Zvezdin V.N., Sayenko Ye.V. Toxicological and hygienic safety assessment of the aqueous suspension of nano-dispersed silicon dioxide, synthesized using liquid-crystal templating. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 1, pp. 65-72
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