Using data from a regional information fund of social and environmental health monitoring to assess human health risks in Lipetsk

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S.I. Savelyev1,3, V.A. Bondarev2,3, N.V. Nakhichevanskaja2, M.F. Polyakova2,3, G.A. Yuriev2, V.M. Saltykov1,3 , E.A. Golovanova1,3


1 The Lipetsk Region Department of the Federal Service on Customers Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance, Russian Federation, 60-a Gagarin St., Lipetsk, 398002,
2 Lipetsk Region Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, Russian Federation, 60-a Gagarin St., Lipetsk, 398002,
3 I.I. Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University, Russian Federation, 41 Kirochnaya st., St. Petersburg, 191015


In a modern industrial center, where the geographical location of industrial companies and landscape features cause environmentally unfavorable conditions in certain parts of the city, there is a problem when reasonably selecting areas and population groups at risk. The aim of this study was to identify the risk of health disorders in Lipetsk citizens who are exposed to chemical pollutants of ambient air and to determine the major directions for target programs aimed at reducing technogenic pollution of the environment and human health risks.
The study resulted in the interpolation of the values of background concentrations from monitoring stations to determine risk levels and in the confirmation of the calculated data by actual disease incidence rates.

risk assessment, background concentrations, regional information fund, social and environmental health monitoring
Savelyev S.I., Bondarev V.A., Nakhichevanskaja N.V., Polyakova M.F., Yuriev G.A., Saltykov V.M., Golovanova E.A. Using data from a regional information fund of social and environmental health monitoring to assess human health risks in Lipetsk. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 1, pp. 41-51
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